Women in Mortgage Leadership +
Delmar SVP Becomes Editor of Women’s Magazine
March is Women’s History Month. In honor of the unique voices of women everywhere, we’re shining the light on some of the inspiring women of Delmar Mortgage. Check out our Q&A with some of our leading loan originators — who happen to be women.
What’s one of the most exciting things happening in the mortgage industry today?
Historically low interest rates? A shift towards digital lending? Definitely. But what may be less obvious is women’s growing role in the industry. Women have created their own professional groups to educate the mortgage industry and to support each other’s career development.
Everyone stands to gain from the inclusion of women in the mortgage industry — women themselves, companies and borrowers. How so? Women are becoming an increasingly important part of the mortgage market. In fact, single women are purchasing double the amount of houses as their male counterparts, and customers tend to bond more strongly with companies that reflect their own diversity. If those are not reasons enough, gender diversity can also lead to higher company revenue and market valuation.*
There is, however, still a long way to go towards gender equality. While women now make up a large portion of the mortgage industry workforce, positions of leadership are still primarily held by men. Networking groups and organizations run for women by women are actively working to elevate women and change these norms.
And now to Delmar’s related news.
We are excited to announce our own Kelly Hendricks, Delmar Mortgage Senior Vice President, is now managing editor of Mortgage Women Magazine (MWM).
Described as “one of the most insightful, grounded and experienced trailblazers in the mortgage world” by Vincent Valvo, CEO of American Business Media, Kelly has spent the past six years as a key leader at Delmar Mortgage as we have more than doubled in size.
Additionally, Kelly has served two terms as president of the National Association of Professional Mortgage Women, the country’s oldest formal organization for women in the industry, and was twice named to MPA magazine’s Elite Women in Mortgage list.
“I know first hand how hard it is for women to balance their work in the mortgage industry with their home lives. I also know how important it is to give women a platform to show their contributions… and [to give] voice to what’s important to women in this industry,” Kelly said.
MWM celebrates the accomplishments of and challenges faced by women in the mortgage industry. Designed to empower its readership, MWM relays relevant resources, inspirational interviews and expert advice from leading mortgage women. Follow MWM to join the community and to receive advice and tools for professional growth. The next edition with Kelly at the helm will arrive digitally in May 2021.
How about you?
What are some of your favorite organizations, platforms and media for women? Let us know on LinkedIn.
*Cultures that believe gender diversity is important benefit greatly from that diversity. Those that don’t, do not.
Author: Lauren Richards Rosenfarb, Director of Marketing